Wolsingham is a beautiful small town in the Wear Valley, 15 miles from Durham. It is surrounded by upland agriculture, with moorland and forestry, which makes it a delightful place to live, or to visit and explore.
The Parish Council maintains the local services and encourages sustainable development in a healthy environment.
Our priorities are;
Making Wolsingham a better place to live and work.
Maintaining the character of Wolsingham as an attractive market town with good facilities.
Supporting local business and employment by developing good provision for visitors and employees.
Encouraging visitors, which brings economic and social benefit to everyone in the community.
Improving the environment by attention to the local ecology, in balance with commercial interests.
Improving safety by managing risks, including traffic, footpaths, green spaces and the buildings for which we have responsibility.
Responding to changing local needs and developments in a way which reflects long term effects as well as short term issues.
Reducing the environmental impact of population growth by efficient energy use, by encouraging sustainable development, and by reducing waste.
Raising the profile of the Parish Council and developing ownership by residents.